Our 21st Century “Tobacco Great!”
(A tribute to Dr. Bill Collins – NC State University for Lifetime
February 6, 2014
Verse 1
If you make your living from tobacco, then you’re part of a sacred clan
You simply identify yourself by saying, “I’m a Tobacco Man!”
And then with other kindred souls,
You pause to congratulate –
A member of “The Family”, who’s become a “Tobacco Great.”
Our Constitution
was written on the back of tobacco leaves –
A declaration from
our nation,
Proclaiming the
Golden Weed.
Somewhere in our
nation’s archives is a tablet cut from stone –
A roll call of
Tobacco Greats,
But one name stands
Now in the 21st
century, he continues to participate –
With a passion for
tobacco research,
On behalf of NC
He’s tobacco’s mediator and advocate, redeeming the good, while purging
the bad –
Why he’s the undisputed best friend a tobacco crop’s ever had!
Tobacco’s now been
liberated from a stagnant penitentiary –
And there’s a
growing need for the golden weed, now in the 21st century.
Now, who on earth
could have orchestrated such a serendipitous stroke of fate? –
None other than Dr.
Bill Collins, our 21st Century Tobacco Great!!
Verse 2
Recalling the day
“Lucky Strike Green” decided to go to war.
The perennial host
of Extension’s annual “Research on Wheels” -
Starting down in
Georgia with the gnats and moonshine stills.
He was the man in
the caravan who cried out, “Lock n’ Load” –
And they would
embark and drive till dark, to more “on farm” tests down the road.
A tobacco program
unequalled with NC State a leadin’ –
Rendered by Dr.
Collins, Professor Todd and Gerald Peedin.
The familiar voice
of the “Tobacco Short Course” and “Production Meetings” galore –
Also, “Continuing
Ed”, and it can’t be said, what else he has in store.
A solid alliance
for “Agricultural Science”, resounding with great repute –
Taught at the four
year college, as well as the Agricultural Institute.
A teachable moment
is recognized, “Plow out your roots and cut your stalks” -
Principles of Tobacco Production, by Dr. Collins and Professor Hawks
His career has been
providential, blessed by the Good Lord’s fate –
From Vance County
to State College,
The destiny of this
“Tobacco Great.”
Verse 3
An “emeritus alumnus” of the Cooperative Extension –
A renowned tobacco specialist of international dimensions.
First and foremost, a college professor –
Today, he’s revered as a “Tobacco Ambassador.”
He helped dismantle
the “Berlin Wall” –
When Reagan told
Gorbachev, “The fence must fall!”
Capitalism broke
the “Iron Curtain” down –
And all over
Europe, “U.S. Flue Cured” was found.
No telling, now,
how many miles he’s logged –
From the Dominican
Republic to the antiquities of Prague.
He’s advised the
Turks in Asia Minor –
While blazing new
frontiers in the Peoples’ Republic of China.
Proclaiming U.S.
Flue Cured as the world’s very best –
Evangelizing the
golden weed throughout Hungary and Budapest.
In years gone by he
visited Rhodesia –
And he knows about
tobacco grown in Croatia.
With cutting edge
technology, he kept plugging the dikes –
Down in Brazil with
Dr. Larry Sykes.
Tobacco abroad has
seen valleys and peaks –
For years he’s gone
to Europe to work with the Greeks.
Yes, Dr. Bill
Collins is his name –
His dedication to
tobacco has garnered international fame.
Wherever he goes,
he’s haulin’ freight –
Our 21st
Century “Tobacco Great!”.
Verse 4
First and foremost,
he’s an innovator –
“contacts” in the place of “hand labor.”
Always striving to
do the farmers’ a favor –
Chemically “topping
tobacco” is a proven labor saver.
Controlling suckers
is now a documented fact –
With well-timed
applications of a “premium” contact.
“MH-free” tobacco
has been successfully tried –
But don’t abandon
the proper use of maleic hydrazide.
He advises tobacco
farmers, “not to be spillin’” –
“And for Heaven’s
sake, use the labeled rate, and keep it under 80 parts per million!”
Clipping tobacco
“plant beds” using a lawn mower –
“Was hard to
convince his father-in-law, a Vance County tobacco grower.”
By adjusting the
blade so the leaves could be clipped –
Soon all the plants
“got together,” after making several trips.
In the meantime,
Dr. Bill received the strangest looks –
From Mr. Turner,
his father-in-law, affectionately known as “Daddy Brooks.”
Later, “Daddy
Brooks,” calmed Dr. Bill’s fears –
When he said,
“We’ve been using a lawn mower on our plant bed for years!”
Now, blazing new
trails and plowing new ground –
Dr. Collins has a
theory that’s simply profound.
Predicting in the
future, farmers will get added mileage –
By handling their
tobacco crops, just like combining silage??
recommendations that are always up-to-date –
“Our 21st
Century “Tobacco Great.”
Verse 5
He’s had so many
accolades, “pressed down and shaken together” –
Research abiding,
new revelations to discover.
Today, at the
College, he teaches “Leadership” –
While busily
funding additional tobacco scholarships.
Wanting to start a
program tangible and scholastic –
His family has
funded an endowment that is generously altruistic.
Being prudent,
helping students get an education –
Providing resources
that can be used for future generations.
This act of
philanthropy will prove profoundly great –
And will fund the
tobacco program carried-on at NC State.
So, here’s to Dr.
Collins, an expert in his field –
A gentleman, a
scholar, a true “Chesterfield.”
Remember, he’s one
of “The Family,” you’ll always know where he stands –
In gratitude and
thanksgiving he’ll say, “I’m just a tobacco man!”
For his service to
his fellowmen, we all appreciate –
Thank you!
Dr. Collins, our 21st Century Tobacco Great!!
And when the dust
has settled, he’ll tell you without fail –
“Don’t take any
wooden nickels, because the check is in the mail!”
Parker Philips
Fair Products, Inc. Company Representative
PO Box 751
Battleboro, NC 27809
(919) 349-5494