Available in the following:
3.75 bag - 16 bags per case, 36 cases per pallet
Product Benefits:
Fair 80 SP is a tailor-made water-soluble powder (SP) formulated exclusively
for use on tobacco. The active ingredient is the systemic growth retardent
Maleic Hydrazide (MH) in the form of the potassium salt (KMH).
Packaged in bags for one-acre which dissolves in water in a sprayer applicator
making mixing clean, easy, and safe.
New concentrated dry formulation eliminates liquid solvents and carriers
which are difficult to clean up in the event of a spill.
Reduces container disposal by over 98%. Virtually eliminates worker exposure
to the active ingredient.
When to use:
Apply when plants are mature or 7 days after the last contact application.
Best results are obtained when applied on humid mornings after dew has
dried from leaves.
Apply to mature tobacco. Tip leaves to be harvested should be 6 to 8 inches
Avoid application during the hot midday or afternoon sun. Needs 6 hours
on the plant for best results. Rain within the 6 hour period will reduce
effectiveness. Very dry weather will reduce absorption.
Note: For Further Information, Please Refer to Product Label